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Big Nate Strikes Again
by Lincoln Pierce

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When Nate's most Hated rival Gina sits right behind him things just begin to change, first Nate has to do his project with Gina, second Nate also has a fleece ball game but Gina is also in it! Then she completely ruins his chance at winning the Spoffy trophy because then she makes her "mascot" talk and it distracts Nate from hitting the ball. Obviously Nate was mad about this and realizes he had a bad day. Then Gina shows up and makes a deal to Nate, she said that if she quit fleece ball then she will do all the work, without Nate doing it because then they would sure enough lose her "academic record" of an A+. But it turned out that if Nate hadn't stepped in then she would've gotten an F because her work had to be all original, and Nate's report was all that it was original, why it was his good ol' comics. Then Gina lied about leaving fleece ball because when Randy stepped on Nate's foot Gina came in as a substitute. But at her last and only swing she hit it, what a show off! And that is my short book review.

Hunger Games
by Suzanne Collins

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A very disturbing futuristic novel, but very gripping.

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
by Jk Rowling

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Harry is a young wizard who was very extraordinary in many ways, why because first off a dark wizard who goes by the name by Voldemort killed his parents and tried to kill Harry but failed and instead lost his powers and disappeared and left Harry a lightning scar on his forehead, second off he could speak Parseltongue, Parseltongue is snake language which Harry speaks in later on when Draco Malfoy has a dual with Harry and Draco does a spell that makes a snake appear. The main idea of the story is that Salazar Slitherin makes a chamber that contains a monster (which is a giant snake) that kills whoever looks at it, and only the true heir of Slitherin was Tom Riddle (who is Voldemort) years ago and he opened it then, and when everyone got petrified. That is my book review.

Diary Of An Awesome Friendly Kid
by Jeff Kinney

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This book was supposed to be all about Rowley, but Greg didn't like the idea so Rowley changed it to be about Greg and Rowley. The book take off on when and after Rowley moves to Greg's street. It started off to Rowley having no fiends and then Rowley's mom makes him read a book on how to make friends. And suggests Greg who is around the street and so off he went, Rowley arrives on Greg's resident. He says a knock-knock joke but Greg becomes confused. Fast forward he has a sleepover at Greg's and stays but, Rowley gets scared because Greg told him something Rodrick said to Greg, that outside there was a half man-half goat and then Rowley wets himself and had to go home. There are many humorous parts in this book. For example the part where Greg pretends he was a chicken, an egg appeared and Rowley actually believed him. And that wraps up my short book review.

Who Was Albert Einstein Book
by Jess M Brallier

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Who Was Albert Einstein was a book about a scientist who went down in history as the greatest who ever lived. He was mostly famous for his discovery of Relativity and for his equation E=mc2. It was mostly brilliant because the equation started out as a difficult concept, but Albert somehow figured out how to simplify that concept. Albert never started out as a professor, no he started out at the patent office. Then Albert proves his theory on Relativity, which turned him into a professor. After he became a professor he proves yet another theory the theory on curving light, because of that he won a Nobel Prize for physics. April 18th of 1955 Albert dies of poor health. His brain was removed for studying and science. Pieces of the brain remained with Dr. Harvey, who later on gives it to Albert's grand-daughter

The Kindly Ones
by Anthony Powell A Dance To The Music Of Time

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When I read these 12 books of A Dance to the Music of Time, I read them straight through and rarely think about them as individual books. But in the case of The Kindly Ones, this time through, I paid a bit more attention and wondered why the author went back to his childhood at the beginning of this volume. It turned out both sections of the book, the flashback and the chapters that are in the sequence of his life to this point, are about wars beginning -- the day when he was nine years old that the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Austria by a Serbian nationalist, marking the beginning of World War I, and then the tension in Europe after the Munich concession and up to the invasion of Czechoslovakia that led up to World War II. Too young for the first war, Powell is nearly too old for the second and fears he won't be accepted into the army. He is never specific about his reasons for wanting to serve, but a combination of patriotism and rejection of the Nazis is easily inferred from the other events in the book.

Young samurai the ring of earth
by Chris Bradford

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A great book!

The Day Punctuation Came To Town
by Kimberlee Gard

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Excellent fun and eduction always book for kids!

Bad Island
by Doug Tennapel

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When Lyle, Janie, and Karen all go on a family boating trip, Reese is the only one who thinks the trip is a bad idea, Reese thinks he is old enough to stay at home, but Lyle(his father) says he's too young. Later on they crash on an island, that has all sorts of mysterious plants and animals. Next Reese falls in a hole and discovers a human skeleton that had a purse that contained a weird mysterious artifact and a journal. The artifact (which Lyle figured out) contained exactly what was on the island and also contained a map. At a later time they discover that the island they were on was actually an extraterrestrial giant that was put in Cryo-Sleep by another extraterrestrial but he wasn't a giant he was a little evil alien, which they defeat. The way they wake up the giant is the artifact was a missing piece to the giant and they needed to put it back on the giant in order to wake him up. And that is my short book review

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban
by Jk Rowling

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Another year at Hogwarts Harry was hoping to get permission to go to Hogsmeade, Hogsmeade was a small wizarding village that had tiny shops in it. Soon Harry's Aunt comes (Harry's Aunt is his Uncle's sister) and Harry and his Uncle agreed that if Harry behaved he could have permission to go to Hogsmeade. Obviously Harry's Aunt was treating him badly, and talking badly about Harry's parents, long story short harry got super mad and, next moment Harry's Aunt was inflating like a balloon and floated all the way outside, Uncle Vernon obviously seized one of Aunt Marge's feet but couldn't manage to grab her. Harry stormed out of Vernon's house and got picked up by a night bus. He goes to the Leaky Cauldron. Earlier before on the television Harry saw on the news that someone escaped from Azkaban, his name was Sirius Black, Who turned out to be Harry's godfather. But everyone thought he betrayed Harry's parents which lead them to their death, but it was actually Peter Pettigrew who had betrayed his parents at the last minute because Sirius changed his name as Harry's parents secret keeper and gave it to Pettigrew. It turned out that Lupin Harry's defense against the dark arts teacher was a werewolf, it would also turn out that Ron's rat Scabbers was actually Peter Pettigrew. And that is my short book review.